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The 0.1 µm solution

»mµFocus« analyzes cutting edge preparation and surface roughness without contact. Its resolution for roughness inspections is 0.1 µm.

Cutting edge inspection in 3D

Analyze the cutting edge preparation and surface roughness of a tool without wasting time, directly in the grinding shop and with impressively accurate 3D visualizations.

»mµFocus« meets all the requirements for speed, precision and robustness that tool developers and manufacturers place on an inspection device. High-end design for the best tools in the world.

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Only one minute

Within around one minute, »mµFocus« captures all image data required for visualization in 3D. Short, precise measurement cycles for random samples and batches.

Only one device

»mµFocus« stands for efficient processes in quality assurance. When equipped with »zep-R« sensor, you can check cutting edge fillets and surface roughness with just one device.

Only from ZOLLER

The heart of »mµFocus« is the non-contact sensor technology with laser and optional confocal microscopy. The sensor technology was developed by us and is only available in ZOLLER devices.

The perfectionist for tool cutting edges

»mµFocus« combines simple operation and a measuring accuracy of up to 0.1 µm. This device is the perfectionist for process-oriented inspection of cutting edge preparation and surface roughness.

The perfectionist for tool cutting edges

»mµFocus« combines simple operation and a measuring accuracy of up to 0.1 µm. This device is the perfectionist for process-oriented inspection of cutting edge preparation and surface roughness.

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