Frequently asked questions
What requirements must my ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine meet?
»zidCode«:Your ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine requires one of the following »pilot« device software versions: »pilot 4.0«, »pilot 3.0« or »pilot 2 mT« from version, or »pilot 1.0« from version and a label printer
»zidCode 4.0«:Your ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine requires »pilot 4.0« machine software version 1.18.7 or higher, a network connection and a post-processor with the appropriate output format in order to transfer your tool data wirelessly to your machine tool.
What requirements must my CNC machine meet?
»zidCode«: USB cable for keyboard simulation or USB stick simulation and serial (RS-232) or ethernet for data transfer.
»zidCode 4.0«:Your CNC machine must be network-compatible. A network and power connection must be provided for »zidCode 4.0« on the machine. Either the CNC machine must be integrated into the production network or a free network connection must be available.
How long does the installation of »zidCode« take?
»zidCode«: We estimate approximately one hour per machine. There is also one day for training and, if necessary, one day for an update of the ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine.
»zidCode 4.0«: About half a day per machine. Add one to two days for training and, if required, one day for an update of the ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine.
Which version of »zidCode« is the right one for my production?
»zidCode«: This is your best fit if you do not want to work via a network. With »zidCode«, you eliminate typing errors at the machine. The machine operators scan the code and the tool data arrives correctly in the machine control system.
»zidCode 4.0«: This is best if you want to or can work via a network and want to benefit from even greater efficiency in the production process. The »zidCode 4.0« offers an even wider range of services in terms of networking, process optimization and increased efficiency.
How do I connect »zidCode« with my CNC machine?
»zidCode«:Simply connect it directly to the machine via USB, serial or network cable. An appropriate configuration ensures the correct function of »zidCode«.
»zidCode 4.0«: The machine should be in the same network as the »zidCode 4.0« unit and your ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine. A network connection for the production network on the CNC machine is required for this. If the machine is located in a shielded network, »zidCode 4.0« can also communicate with two networks using an optional extension.
How do I attach »zidCode« to my CNC machine?
The monitor of either the »zidCode« or »zidCode 4.0« is attached to your machine tool with very strong magnets. No drilling, hardly any effort and a firm attachment even during operation. Alternatively, you can also get »zidCode 4.0« on a column to set up next to your machine.
Does »zidCode« require its own power connection?
»zidCode«: If you are using USB, then no. If you are using ethernet or a serial interface, then yes. If the power supply via USB is not sufficient (older cables on older machines), then an external power supply can be ordered as an option.
»zidCode 4.0«: Yes, always.
What requirements must my tool holders meet?
»zidCode«: None. The corresponding QR code for data transfer is printed on a label on the ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine. You can either clip these onto your tool holders with our ZOLLER tool tag holders or stick the labels directly onto the tool.
»zidCode 4.0«: All tool holders must be marked with a unique 2D code. ZOLLER offers the reliable solutions »idLabel« or »idChip« for permanent tool marking. The code is used to identify your tool holder and the associated data is taken from the network. Alternatively, the tool holder can also be marked with a 2D code using laser marking.
I already have a screen on my CNC machine. Can I use the »zidCode 4.0« software on it?
Yes, you can! We can also provide you with the »zidCode 4.0« solution without a touchscreen. The »zidCode 4.0« application is web-based and can be used on any screen format. Instead of the »zidCode 4.0« housing, you will then receive the housing of the »zidCode« including scanner.