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Inspection on autopilot

24/7 tool inspection and documentation with minimal manpower: »genius« plus »roboSet 2«

Focus your team's skills on production

Your in-house specialists are key to guaranteeing outstanding quality tools. But if these experts are tied up with tool inspection, the grinding shop and your entire production lose out on their knowledge.

Automate these processes with the »genius« plus »roboSet 2« and free up your team to focus on production. With these ZOLLER solutions, the manpower required for tool inspection and documentation is reduced by 83%.

Schedule a one-on-one expert consultation today

Measuring machine meets robotics

Premium measuring technology and the best robotics on the market work together seamlessly and have a shop floor footprint of less than 65 square feet. The »genius« measuring machine analyzes more than 100 parameters on standard and micro tools – all fully automatically.

For small and large orders

Many large batches and small production lots have one thing in common: they require a lot of time for quality inspection. That's why it makes sense for manufacturers and grinding companies of every size to automate their inspection processes.

Automatic laser marking

The laser unit in the »roboSet 2« makes every production ready for automated documentation. Using QR codes affixed to all tools, the »roboSet 2« will record the measurement data of each and every inspection.

Reduces labor costs by up to

83 %

Based on inspections in a three-shift operation with one employee per shift.


Your dream team

»genius« plus »roboSet 2«: Autopilot for maximum efficiency in quality assurance.

Your dream team

»genius« plus »roboSet 2«: Autopilot for maximum efficiency in quality assurance.

Visit the MYZOLLER portal for digital events and more ZOLLER technology available for purchase.