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Insert. Start. Measure. Finished!

The »pomBasic« and »pomBasicMicro« manual, tabletop solutions create precise tool data from over 70 parameters in a matter of seconds, all with a minimal footprint.

Faster production, shorter distance

ZOLLER's process-oriented measurement boosts the profitability of tool manufacturers and grinding companies. Maximize your shop floor space and shorten the distance between manufacturing and your measuring process. Short distances, fast measuring, high efficiency.

The »pomBasic« and »pomBasicMicro« are your compact, easy-to-use inspection devices for precise inspection and documentation next to the CNC grinding machine.

Arrange 1:1 expert meeting

On track for quality

With both devices, you can measure geometries on the face and circumference. Thanks to precise data, you know whether you are on track for quality or need to make corrections when grinding.

Get a closer look

First-class image processing ensures you always see detailed images of the tool cutting edges.

Full flexibility

With the »pomBasic« and »pomBasicMicro«, you can measure drills, milling cutters, countersinks and inserts in all relevant sizes, all the way down to the micro range. This gives you full flexibility for production and grinding.

The powerhouses of inspection solutions


Inspection and documentation for tools starting at a 3 mm diameter


Checks and documents the quality of micro tools starting at a 0.2 mm diameter

Visit the MYZOLLER portal for digital events and more ZOLLER technology available for purchase.